We took the kids to the SA zoo on Saturday. We were there for 3 hours and only made it half way through. We decided to get a year pass this year because it costs about the same as going once. Next time we go we will have to hit the other half of the animals. Here are the highlights of our trip.
The kids brought their camera's to practice their photography skills.

The girls have a little kids digital camera they got from Grandma and Grandpa Prescott for Christmas. The boys inherited our old one after Sadie chucked it a few too many times, causing it to be less than reliable. They LOVE taking pictures of random things.

They even had a small aquarium.

Sadie and Mom.

Sadie plotting our course.

The kids got to see an Okapi skull and learned that their tongues are 12" long. A tube sock is about 12" so each kids put a sock on their hand and pretended it was a tongue.

Each zoo has at least one statue that you have to have your picture taken with.

After the zoo we went out to lunch. There are tons of fun little restaurants downtown. We ate at a cute little diner called Cheesy Jane's.

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