Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jack turns 8

Time has sure flown by. My once terrible two year old has now turned 8. We didn't do a friend party this year because we did a big friend bash before we left Utah. Jack decided for his birthday that he wanted to see the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" movie. I have to admit it was pretty funny.

It is always a busy time around Jack's birthday, because it is usually conference weekend, it's the day after my April Fools dinner, it's typically close to Easter and this year during spring break as well. Oh and our kitchen was under construction this year too. Talk about busy this year.

So we went to the movie the week before and did cake and dinner on his real birthday.

Jack loves anything crafty and especially likes to draw. So all of his gifts encouraged his love for the arts...drawing book, drawing kit, Benaroos and Legos.
I let Jack choose his cake...

He loves to be different. The cake I thought was so ugly he LOVED.
Jack chose Red Robbin for his birthday dinner. I'm not sure if he enjoyed them singing to him but he sure enjoyed the free ice cream.