Monday, January 11, 2010

Halloween 2009

Another flashback post to get me caught up on blogging...

With the packers coming the week of Halloween I didn't have the time or the energy to make new costumes for everyone. Not that I really planned on it anyway--I figured the costumes I made last year still fit everyone so I would just make the kids wear them again. The boys didn't like the idea, especially Gavan. Gary and I decided not to dress up because we really needed the packers to take as much stuff as possible. So having them pack our costumes would save us space in the car.

I found glow stick swords and fake scars at the dollar store for the kids to add to their costumes.
Sadie always picked suckers for her treat when she had a choice. She was happiest when she had one for each hand.
I had to tell Alyssa she was a pirate princess in order for her to go along with it.

We were exhausted by the time it came around to go trick or treating.That morning, we unpacked my parents storage unit, with the help of Cameron. We hit the trunk-or-treat, and then went around the block, calling it a night.