Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back 2 School

Summer is nearing its end and school is just around the corner. With school getting ready to start in less than one week I am frantically trying to get organized. I LOVE being organized. Few things stress me out more than being unorganized. I am a firm believer in planning ahead to make things easier later. Here are some of the things I have been working on.

Homework Holders:

This is where all the homework folders go. Each child has a slot and it is never lost. The girls even have slot for their "homework" which consists of coloring books and paper. I have mine hung in the kitchen because we do our homework at the table.

Homework Boxes:

I love recycling wipie boxes. I use them for EVERYTHING! This one holds all the pencils, sharpener, crayons, scissors and erasers that they need while doing their homework.

I have another wipie box just for the boys flashcards.

This dishpan holds all the larger items like notebook paper, dictionary & thesaurus. All the homework boxes/buckets are kept on the same shelf in the kitchen cabinet. Everyone knows where to go when its time to do homework.

For school lunches I have the kids help me divide large bags of sides into snack size bags. I also use this as a learning lesson. I tell them how much the one bag costs and how many little bags we can make from it. Then tell them how much we saved by not buying the individual prepackaged bags.

My kids no longer get to choose their breakfast foods. It takes them too long to decide and then they want one of everything. So to solve this problem every night before bed I write on the whiteboard what will be for breakfast the next morning. This way when they wake up there are no questions. They always have the option of cold cereal if they don't like what I have chosen. I try to mix it up during the week so there is variety. During the weekend they get to choose as long as they can make it themselves, because I have the weekend off. :)

I have snacks separated out in my pantry. I have one box for fruit snacks where I mix a variety of kinds, a box for healthy snacks and one lunches only (things like fruit cups). This has made it easier for my kids to know what I mean when I say go have a healthy snack. If they don't want fruit or veggies they know what other options they have.

Laundry/misc. stuff:

Everyone in the family has their own dishpan bucket with their name on it. I use these to put their laundry in and random things they leave around the house. This has totally helped me to keep the house clean without having to put away everyone else's stuff. While the boys are at school anything they leave out gets put in here for them to put away after school. Then I can stack the buckets and hide them and my house still looks clean. Everybody, even the little girls, knows that they have to empty their buckets a couple times of day. Sadie will even take Gary's bucket to him while he is working and tell him to put it away. I love that girl!

Fall is a busy time of year for us. For about six weeks during the fall we run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Between Gary coaching Jack's soccer team, Gavan playing football, scouts, piano lessons, church meetings, and everything else it is vital for us to stay organized.

I have a monthly calendar (above the homework holders) and a weekly calendar. This helps me so I can focus on one week at a time and not get overwhelmed with the entire month. The weekly calender contains a place for notes, my menu and daily activities. I have to admit I had fun making this calender. I bought a HUGE frame at Walmart the day after thanksgiving for $6 and have been waiting to put it to use. I finally decided what to use it for and I LOVE it!!


Jenny said...

I am amazed at how organized you are! You have some great ideas! If only I could be that creative!

Randy and Stacey said...

I too am amazed at how organized you are. Those are all really great ideas!! Can you can and organize my life?