Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swim Lessons

This year the older three took swimming lessons. I found someone on KSL that would come to your pool and teach lessons. It worked out very well b/c the other kids could swim and play while one was having lessons. We were able to do lessons in Provo and at friend's in-laws pool.

Alyssa is my little fish. She is so different than the boys; she has no fear. I think a lot has to do with her age. She hasn't had the same experience they have in water so she isn't fearful yet. She floated on her back with help, she scooped ice cream with her hands, she blew bubbles and floated on her tummy.

The boys took semi-private lessons together. They both have some fear of swimming. They love the water but just want to play and not learn any skills. I was told that kids who like to be in control have issues with swimming b/c they don't like the water to be in control. This made a lot of sense.

They learned to jump in the water, became willing to put their faces in the water, became more comfortable swimming on their backs and bellies.

Lessons went so much better this year than in years past. The boys had the attention they needed to get over some of their fears. We still have a long way to go but I am pleased with their progress. They have never liked getting their faces wet, especially in the shower. They are now comfortable with this. YAY!

Sadie got to play in the kiddie area while the other kids had lessons. She loved it. It was shallow enough she could walk around and play. She had a great time swimming too.

This pictures is classic Sadie. Just doing her thing...relaxing!

Thanks Sharae for hosting the lessons!