Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Sadie!

I am a little behind in posting this but better late than never right?! Warning: lots of pictures. But what do you expect, she's my last 1 year old ever. Kinda sad.

Just some photos of Sadie being silly.
This is a typical Sadie face. She loves to wrinkle her nose and make sniffing sounds.

For the kids birthdays we typically let them pick their favorite restaurant for dinner.
Sadie isn't old enough to choose so we mixed things up and went to breakfast. Gary got to choose so of course we went Burger King. Usually the only time I willingly go to Burger King is for Gary's Birthday. He knows I am not a fan, but the birthday kids always gets to choose and no one can complain. Lucky guy, he is going to get BK twice in 2 months.
Sadie really enjoyed her mini cinnamon rolls.
The boys liked the left over frosting frosting the best. They cleaned out everybody's frosting cups. Funny kids, maybe for their birthday we will just give them a tub of frosting and make their day.

Alyssa liked hers as well, however she didn't like getting sticky so we had to feed her.

For Sadie's party we just had Grandma & Grandpa Prescott over. We like to keep things small and simple these days.
The birthday girl!
& her guests.
I am sad I forgot to get a picture with me and Sadie. I was so concerned with getting good pictures I forgot get one with me and her.
Her cake

I didn't feel like making a cake so I ordered one from Wal-mart. You get a free first year birthday cake when you order a regular cake. When I placed the order they asked what kind of cake I wanted for the free cake. They wrote down the information with the other cake order and said they'd be ready when I came to get them on Saturday.

When we got their Saturday the only "free" cakes they had were German chocolate and carrot cake. What baby wants either of those, plus their ugly. I was very frustrated to say the least. Why did they ask what I wanted if they weren't going to get it for me. We took the carrot cake, scraped off the carrot shaped frosting on the top, made a small bit of frosting to cover the bare spot and added sprinkles. It worked out, but still not what I wanted.
The other cake.

At first she was only interested in the candle on top of the cake. She didn't know what to do with the cake.
We gave her a taste and she picked at it. We gave her a few more bites and she went to town.