Sunday, June 8, 2008

Carnivore and Brownie whore

Kids say the funniest things!! Gavan really gave us a good one tonight. We were at Gary's brother's house for dinner. The cousins were really excited about the mint brownies for dessert. All the kids were sitting at the table waiting for their brownies when out of the quiet we hear Gavan squeal " I am a brownie-whore" Now this took Gary and I back because we don't say words like that and don't know where he would learn such a word. All the adults looked around puzzled trying to figure out would make him say that. We asked Gavan what he meant and he said "I love brownies and meat, I am a carnivore and a brownie-whore" Ah, yes it now makes sense.

He was trying to make the word brownie into a work like carnivore to express his love for meat and desire to only eat meat and brownies. After we figured it out we had good laugh. We then taught him he needs to clearly say the "v" and say brownie-vore would be the more correct choice for the future. This was something we just had to journal!


Bethany M said...

Ha! I got a kick out of that one.

CJ said...

Well, i guess you should have asked him if he would sell himself for a brownie. Brownie-vore, and brownie-whore, couldn't they mean the same thing?