Sunday, June 29, 2008

Boy Cloths vs Girl Cloths

I am all about recycling cloths from the older kids to the younger ones. Even, if it is boy jammies for Alyssa and Sadie to wear. Well apparently this is not O.K. with Alyssa. Gary got her ready for bed last night and pick out a pair of light blue and white jammies with a drum on the front. Alyssa threw a mondo fit about how she didn't want to wear boy jammies. This lasted a very long time and she ended up taking the jammies off in the process. I finally convinced her that I could add bows to the sleeve to make them girlie. So before she would go to bed I had to find ribbon, make bows and attach them. She wouldn't allow me to doing in the morning, it had to be done before she would wear them. The funniest thing is all winter long she wore the boys old jammies, with cars and trains and a lot of blue and red, go figure. Alyssa is a girlie girl!


Emily said...

Both my girls are like that. Although, Hannah did go through a stage of wearing Chris' old spider man costume. Hannah is all the time correcting me if i wear something of Cj's. She tells me i need to take it off and put on my mommy clothes.

Oh, and i don't know if GR will tell you this or not, but the trailer is finally out of our front yard!!

Nicole D said...

Well if you miss the trailer in the front yard look come visit us. We will move it from the driveway to the grass, just for you.